Sunday, March 29, 2009

Run to the hills!

Run for your lives!!

I had an awesome playlist for my run today:

Let's Groove - Earth, Wind & Fire
Club Thing - Yoav
Get on the Good Foot - James Brown
Reckoner - Radiohead
The Distance - Cake
Rock With You - Michael Jackson

I've decided to stop running on the street for now and start running at a track so's I can listen to my Ipod without worry of being mowed down by a Mack truck or a soccer mom. It's amazing how music can be so motivating. I am running further and more often than I was before. I really think I will be ready for a 5K by at least May if I keep this up!

It's Crossroads Film Fest time again, and although I won't be here for part of the weekend, I am really excited nonetheless. I just think it's so cool that Jackson has a film festival as competitive as and as comparable to those found in bigger states or even in Europe. I got to preview a few of the films for the JFP, and I was really impressed with what I saw. The feature-length film I previewed was a documentary, a genre for which I am a total sucker. Some people are into horror movies, some are the romantic-comedy type, but give me a documentary and I am a happy camper. It can be about plastic wrap, I don't care - I will be riveted. I just haven't seen a documentary yet that didn't grab me. There must be something about documentary filmmakers - they know how to make the ordinary seem so much more interesting. Of course some topics are totally interesting... this particular film I saw was about a punk band in the UK where 3/5 of the band had developmental disabilities, and I think that's pretty interesting. But even if it was about parsnip farming, I'd watch it.

It's almost April, which means it's almost May, which means my BDAY is coming up soon. I have this awesome group of friends made up of many Taureans like myself, and we are planning a giant space-jump party since there are so many birthdays. I'm excited about that, but I'm also still pining to have my skating party that I didn't get to have for my 30th birthday. I have heard that the two remaining skating rinks in town aren't keen on adult birthday parties, but I may check into it, anyway. The only problem I have is that I would want to be able to drink for my party, and I'm pretty sure drinking and skating do not go hand in hand. But I am working on a soundtrack, nonetheless. Today I stumbled upon a whole slew of old-school roller rink songs on Itunes. Wonder if I can dig out those white skates with the pink wheels?

Seriously - this is what my birthday could look like:

I'm pretty sure the reason everybody was so skinny in the '70s is directly related to roller skating and blow. Probably in reverse order. So maybe skating and beer wouldn't be so bad after all?

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