Sunday, March 1, 2009

Down with the Sickness*

So Sally and I have both been a bit under the weather this weekend.

Friday night, I filled in for a friend and "hosted" the Singer/Songwriter's Showcase at Sneaky Beans, and the BF and his friend Bill joined me. I put "hosted" in quotations because I really did not have to do much - just introduce the artists and let them go to it, which to me is the best kind of "hosting" there is! Sherman Lee Dillon, Taylor Hildebrand, and Drew McKercher (who for some reason I wanted to call "Jeremy" all night, he looks like a Jeremy I guess,) played some really good tunes. Kudos to my friend Anna Kline who put the whole thing together. Next month she is doing an all-girls' singer/songwriter showcase, so check it out.

I had to go to Oxford Thursday for work, and I stayed with my good friend Emmy, who has two cats. I am allergic to cats, and Emmy does a good job of keeping them out of the spare bedroom so I won't be too affected, but I still had a pretty big allergic reaction, in the form of sneezing, wheezing, and itchy/watery eyes. I used my puffer (I have mild asthma) multiple times over the two days I was there, and by Friday my chest was hurting a little bit. I figured it was just because of the overuse of the puffer. Nonetheless, I went to the most awesome breakfast place with Emmy on Friday morning, Big Bad Breakfast, and had my fill of scramby eggs, ho-made sausage (they make it fresh on-site), home fries and a biscuit. I have been telling everyone I know about this place - go check it out if you are in O-town.

So I had to board Sally until Saturday morning. The BF and I picked her up and took her home, and I got to making lunch, which was Pad Thai with tofu and bean sprouts. We noticed Sally was not her usual spry self, and shortly thereafter she decided to puke on my carpet. After that (and I made the BF clean it up), there was a series of horks and gacks, dragging her to the linoleum floor of the kitchen, only to have her barf on the carpet when we weren't looking. Every time I took her outside, she would graze like a little moo cow. For those who don't know, dogs eat grass when their tummies are upset - it makes them barf. I don't know what they fed her at the vet's, but next time we are taking our own food, that's for sure!

Later on that night, I started having mild chest pains again. I didn't want to scare anybody, but it was rather annoying. I told the BF, and he made me lie down with my feet up. We had a healthy dinner of seared tuna over mixed greens with strawberries, goat cheese and pecans, and I took a couple of BC powders, which made me feel better. We took my blood pressure, which was a bit high, and I went to bed at a reasonable hour. I slept until about 10:45 this morning.

Today has been okay - Sally has still been a little under the weather, but she did eat some kibble and just a few blades of grass. We totally missed the snow, or at least I did. BF said Sally tried to eat it when he took her out early this morning. I managed to do some yoga this afternoon, and wanted to take my BP afterward, just to see the effect, but my stupid digital sphygmomanometer (how's that for a $5 word?) wouldn't work right. So I really have no idea what my BP is this evening. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get it checked out. I need to lose some weight - that much is obvious - but only like 10 or 15 pounds. I think that will get me back to normal BP and everything, but until then I might have to take something. I want to be able to continue my running (which was going pretty well until this happened), but I don't want to be found lying in a ditch somewhere, either. I can just see it now - the headlines would read, "Pudgy woman found dead of a heart attack on her pathetic less-than-a-mile running route."

On the money-saving/making front, I went to the grocery store for the first time in a week on Friday, used coupons which saved me like $20, and should have enough food to get me through until the next weekend, or even the next paycheck, who knows? Also, there is this event going on next weekend at a local hotel where you can go sell your gold, so I may go check that out and see what I can get. I actually have a little more money than I thought I would at this point after paying bills and stuff, so maybe I am saving a little bit? Stay tuned chickens!

*Sorry for the reference to a pretty lame hard metal song - I don't remember who does the song but I did rock out pretty hard to it whenever it used to come on the radio. So there's that.

1 comment:

Katie McClendon said...

how was your checkup this week?