Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ok, so...

So here's the deal. I just found out I owe a little less than $3000 to Uncle Sam. Why, you ask? Was I trying to be like that guy who is now the Treasury Secretary? Well, sort of.

He somehow didn't realize he wasn't paying taxes on his income, then paid them later (more like $30K than $3K), blah blah blah... my situation is pretty much the same, except I caught it before it got ridiculously out of hand. I filled out my forms correctly when I started my job, but somehow it didn't get keyed in right, so not enough was being held out each check.

So. I really don't have beef with Timothy Geithner, because I know how easily something like that can happen. Although, someone in his line of work should probably know more about taxes than me. I'm a real dumbass when it comes to numbers. I looked at my checks over the last several months, but I didn't see anything amiss. Now, unfortunately, my checks will be even less, yet I'll be paying out the wazoo to make good on this debt. Wahh.

I had a big cry over this when I first found out. I was upset and angry for the stupid mistake. But I was also upset because I feel as if I can never get ahead. I've been very slowly paying off the small bit of debt that I already have, and doing things to try to save money, like getting a cheaper car, going out to eat less, bargain shopping, etc. And I felt like I was making some progress. I started making plans to save up some money in order to move to a rental house. (I even gave up on the idea of buying a house!! Of course, the economy helped me make that decision, but still!!)

So it was really frustrating to think about having to put my pithy little dreams on hold for a bit longer. But, after a few drinks and a trip out of town to watch the Grammys in Memphis, I realized that my situation will never get better if I am going to just sit around and mope about it. It's time to get smart, get creative, and yes, get used to doing without a few things for a while.

Being in a recession makes this a really good time to find new ways to save money and make money. I plan to blog about the things that I come up with so that you all (wherever you are) might benefit as well.

Here are my first three ideas:
(I don't expect points for originality, but bear with me!)

1. That old coin ring from 8th grade? Gots ta go.
I pretty much stopped wearing gold jewelry in 1996, so I am gathering up a lot of rings, bracelets and necklaces to sell to a local jewlery shop. I don't trust those "Cash 4 Gold" through-the-mail scams, but a few stores here in Jacktown have advertised that they will buy gold. I promise to report what I sold and for how much. And I am actually keeping my coin ring, it has sentimental value. ;-)

2. HEY! You got any cans? I'm the can man!
Some weird old man once jumped out at my sister at a gas station and said that to her. He left her alone, but he had the right idea, sort of. I drink enough Diet Coke (Diet Dr. K these days - budget soda y'all) to fill the reservoir, so I figure I should be able to get a decent return on all those cans that I normally throw away. I don't plan on scaring people into giving me their cans, but don't be surprised if you see me on the side of the street picking them up.

3. Get thee behind me, Kroger
If one were to take a look at my bank account, one might think that I have at least 4 kids. That's because the majority of my money goes to groceries. I only have one "kid," and she eats dog food. The problem is that I love food. LOVE FOOD. I have become a bit of a "foodie" in the last few years, and I am constantly wanting to try different recipes, foods, etc. Or I get a craving and swing by the store to fulfill whatever it is. This all adds up to around $500/month on groceries. Now, granted, I do cook at home more than I go out, which saves money, but I also feel that I could definitely cut down on my trips to the store. My mother used to always go to the store on Saturdays. Mainly this was because it was the only day she had free, but I think it also helped to cut down on needless spending. If we ran out of something, we were just out until Saturday, unless it was TP or something. But somehow we never seemed to run out of things like that.

I would like to try from here on out to limit my trips to the store to once or twice a week. Preferably once, but there is always that chance I'll run out of dog food or milk when I really need it.
That's all for now, but I hope to update at least once a week (really!) with more ideas or reports back on whether or not this stuff is working. Maybe I can get one of those thermometer things to show my progress on paying off Uncle Sam. I have to make this fun and creative for myself, or else y'all are gonna find me on the 6:00 news for crashing my car in the front lobby of the Internal Revenue Service. And orange is really not a good color for me.

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