Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bring on Spring

I'm tired of Mother Nature being a tease. It was 70 degrees a few days ago, now it's like 25. STOP MESSING WITH MY MIND!

The good news is, I can bundle up and hide my fat rolls a little while longer. Maybe if I can step up my workouts and tone down my snacking, I'll be presentable by Easter.


This past weekend, Jackson experienced its first "V-Day," and the Vagina Monologues was presented for the first time here with a wonderful cast that included many good friends of mine. I stayed in the background, serving food and wine, and enjoying the play twice in a row. I'm so happy I got to be a part of this performance, and I'm already looking forward to next year, where we undoubtedly will see if we can push the envelope just a little bit further...


On the money making/saving front, I am doing pretty well so far. I have only gone to the grocery store maybe 3 times in the last two weeks, and only one of those trips was a "big" trip. I have received some help from family members, which I did not ask for, but surely do appreciate. And I am still planning to sell my gold, I just can't seem to remember to go down to the jewelry store. I better do it soon, before they decide something else is worth more money. I'm also still saving cans and have a rather nice pile going near my trash. Now I just need to find somewhere that will pay me for my tin.

Last night after the Vagina Monologues, I was invited as an "honorary cast member" to the cast party. It was at the home of one of the other cast members, and her home was AMAZING. Awesome, open living area, totally made for entertaining, and an even more impressive back yard complete with fire pit and goldfish pond. I was totally jealous, of course, but also very inspired. The owner told me she bought the house herself years ago and put nearly every penny she made into making it what it is today. She had only recently remarried. So even if I am dirt poor right now, I still feel like it's possible for me to have a nice home one day too, if I really want it and work for it hard enough. I'm tucking that away as a non-immediate goal, but a goal nonetheless.

I'm actually into the Oscars this year, so I'm going to stop here and go back to watching that little gold man hop into the hands of various and sundry celebrities.

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