Sunday, September 21, 2008

Home is Where Good Food Is

I have been a "road warrior" the last week and a half, and I don't use that term often because I hate it almost as much as I hate the word "synergy." But since I was traveling for business, it seems appropriate.

I drove to Tupelo last Thursday, drove back Friday, had a nice weekend at home, then got up Monday and drove to Philadelphia*, MS, and was there for a few days. THEN I got to spend one night at home before hopping in another rental and driving to Gulfport! For those of you unfamiliar with Mississippi geography, check a map -- that's a shitload of driving! I don't see how truckers do it, really.

It was my own fault, all this travel. I scheduled too many things all squished up next to one another. Next time I will know better. But I do feel like I got a lot accomplished, a lot of butts kicked and names taken.

*Speaking of Philadelphia, while I was out of town I caught the new FX show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" -- HILARIOUS. My new favorite show. Apparently it's already into its 3rd or 4th season, I don't know where I have been. But that show cracks me up. Danny DeVito's character is like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force come to life. ATHF being one of my other all-time favorite shows. My sense of humor will never grow up!

I am feeling a lot of uncertainty in my life right now. I am finding that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it and keep busy as much as possible. But I have a feeling that it will eventually come crashing down on me, so I'm just trying to figure out how I will deal with it once that happens. The basic run-down is this: I'm confused about my relationship with xBF, depressed that it isn't working out the way I wanted it to, I'm unhappy with my living situation but don't have the means by which to lift myself out of it. I'm at least 15 lbs. overweight and getting pudgier by the minute, and I feel a bit lost in space because a large number of my friends have moved away over the last few years, leaving my support system looking like a piece of Havarti Swiss. I am finding that I don't have as much in common with some friends as I used to, while others that I do have things in common with keep moving away. There are still many cool people here in Jackson, I am glad to say, but I just feel like I'm having to start all over in a way. I don't have that comfort zone I once had with my group of 10-15 girls. Now it's like I have these friends over here, and those couple of friends over there, but it's hard to bring them all together.

Maybe I need to throw a party? Oh but wait, I live in a tiny apartment. Wahh. Oh well -- better go find something to do so I don't have to deal with any of this!

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