Sunday, September 14, 2008

Granny's snoring

I feel like I talk about my dog a whole lot, but dammit, she's a pretty interesting creature. Sally is still just a puppy -- 7 months old -- but she has the sleeping habits of an old lady. She goes to bed early, like 9:00 sometimes. And when I say "goes to bed," that often means curling up on the floor here in the living room to sleep, but more often than not she literally clop-clop-clops back to the bedroom and gets into her bed to sleep. By the time I go to bed, usually an hour or two later, she is wayy deep into Level 4 REM sleep, stretched out with her head under my bed and snoring loudly. It's hilarious.

I am just happy she doesn't keep me awake all night with whining or anything. She really is a good dog most of the time. I have to be away from her this week while I'm out of town for work, and I really think I'm going to miss her!

Before I get ahead of myself, I wanted to do a little self-back-patting. I have a new column with the local alt weekly, a monthly deal, and I am pretty proud of it. My first entry is here, and I got a great deal of feedback on it! A few comments on the actual story, and a couple of emails too, including one from someone who had submitted a mix tape to She encouraged me to submit a tape of my own, and I may just do that if I can find any of the good ones. At the moment I have no idea where all my tapes are. I blame that on moving no less than 8 times in 8 years.

I just finished up this month's column, and I'm pretty happy with it. I'll wait until it's published to post a link and give away the topic. I will say that I have been on a sort of nostalgia kick lately, so that explains a lot. I don't know if it's being in my 30s or what, but the nostalgia just happens. I know people say this all the time, but time really does go by faster the older you get. I look back over the last 10 years, and I'm really not sure where all that time went.

This week is going to be so busy for me. Actually, the next month or so is going to be nonstop madness... even the weekends will be full. I see a massage or two in my future!

Lastly, I have to say that I hope this is the last of the hurricanes for a while. It was sort of fun the first go-round with Gustav, but after Ike I am tired of people freaking out about gas prices, I'm tired of rain, and I'm tired of worrying about where the next one will hit. That's enough for this year mmkay?


KimmyDarling said...

Hey-- if you haven't already, you need to read "Love is a Mix Tape," by Rob Sheffield. It's fantastic!

jacksongirl said...

Hey Kimmy! Thanks for the recommendation! I have not but will be reading that book very soon!