Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Homestawww... Wunnnawwww...

One of my all time, top five favorite cartoons on earth is Homestar Runner. The lovable armless, lisping fellow gets me every time. You should go check him out, and really you need to just watch everything on that site. I have, and I still can't get enough.

I am trying to be like Homestar and become a "Wunnaww" myself. (That's "runner" for you lazy people who won't go hear him say it that way.) I have decided to try this couch-to-5K thing. Allegedly, I can be ready for a 5K in 2 months. I'd like to do the WellsFest 5K, but that's only a month or so from now, so that may not work. But fall is 5K season, so I'm sure there will be another one just around the bend.

Sally has been my running partner since she came to live with me a month or so ago. She has a lot of energy, so it helps for us to get up early (6am, YIKES, Iamnotamorningperson) and walk/run about a mile every day. Unfortunately for Sally, she had to have her lady bits removed last week, so that meant a week of rest time. The first few days were fine, she was out of it anyway, but by the 3rd day or so she was bouncing around the house and looking at me as if to say, "What's the deal? Why aren't we running?"
Finally, she got her stitches out today and we will hit the road in the morning. I have enjoyed sleeping in these last few days -- especially with the wetness from Hurricane Fay -- but my midsection is expanding rapidly, so it's up at 6am and lace up the shoes time again. It is good for me. It will make me skinny and hot. I will keep telling myself this.

Friday, August 15, 2008

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap... WOOF

So that was the sound that I woke up to this morning at, oh, about 5:45am.

I have this neighbor, he is a redneck loser. I'm not being mean when I say that, he really is a redneck loser. The main reason is because of the way he treats his "girlfriend," who is the person that was tap-tap-tapping on his door this morning. AT 5:45 PEOPLE. The "woof" was Sally at the door, because it sounded like someone was tap-tap-tapping on our door.

A couple of weeks ago she was BANGING on his door at about 3am. The BF was still here at that point and when he went to see what was going on, she said, "But he can't hear me unless I knock loudly!" BF told her somebody (meaning me) would call the cops if she didn't stop.

What seems to be going on is that Redneck doesn't want Chick around except for when he wants her around. She is a cute girl, but apparently dumber than a box of hair, so she doesn't understand when he kicks her out and won't let her back in. She continually knocks, or leaves pathetic notes on the door - it's all very sad and I wish I could say something to her, but I don't know what to say exactly or how to get the point across that she is wasting her time with this dork. I don't even know her name. I wish I did. It really sucks to see someone who has such low self-esteem that she would humiliate herself for the sake of a stupid guy who obviously doesn't appreciate her at all. Maybe one day I'll get a chance to talk to her.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The B**** is back (so is the Schlitz)

Okay so I'm tired of nobody reading my blog because nobody can find it. So it's open season people! And the first thing I choose to write about is the fact that Schlitz beer is coming back, according to this article. I couldn't be happier, but I'm a little concerned because I drank that beer pictured up top three years ago in Austin, TX, and I don't remember it being anything but tasty. Guess I really do enjoy cheap beer.

Lots of life changes going on right now, most of which I really don't want to talk about. But I will say that my dog is the best personal trainer a person can have. We get up at 6:00am and go walk/run for about 30 minutes. She has some issues with pulling and nipping at the leash, but for the most part she just pulls me right along and we are both worn slap out by the time we get back home. Sally is a Border Collie/Jack Russell mix, and if you know anything about those two breeds, they are two of the smartest and most high energy dogs you can find. Needless to say, she requires a lot of exercise. She has learned to swim at the BF's parent's pool, she plays fetch indoors and outdoors, and she loves to chase my laser pointer around the room, too. I love my dog!

Two more things and then I need to run:

1. I think this Boo Boo Kitty guy really has a pretty good plan. I saw him on Larry King Live tonight (along with Pass the Biscuits, and I'll let you figure out who that is), and I like what he was saying.

2. Have you heard about the feet washing up on the beach in British Columbia? I'm fascinated. Is it a mad podiatrist? A shark with an aversion to toes? Can't wait to find out.