I am trying to be like Homestar and become a "Wunnaww" myself. (That's "runner" for you lazy people who won't go hear him say it that way.) I have decided to try this couch-to-5K thing. Allegedly, I can be ready for a 5K in 2 months. I'd like to do the WellsFest 5K, but that's only a month or so from now, so that may not work. But fall is 5K season, so I'm sure there will be another one just around the bend.
Sally has been my running partner since she came to live with me a month or so ago. She has a lot of energy, so it helps for us to get up early (6am, YIKES, Iamnotamorningperson) and walk/run about a mile every day. Unfortunately for Sally, she had to have her lady bits removed last week, so that meant a week of rest time. The first few days were fine, she was out of it anyway, but by the 3rd day or so she was bouncing around the house and looking at me as if to say, "What's the deal? Why aren't we running?"
Finally, she got her stitches out today and we will hit the road in the morning. I have enjoyed sleeping in these last few days -- especially with the wetness from Hurricane Fay -- but my midsection is expanding rapidly, so it's up at 6am and lace up the shoes time again. It is good for me. It will make me skinny and hot. I will keep telling myself this.