Thursday, April 24, 2008

Up on the 12th Floor

Can I just say it?

I love Jackson.

When I first moved back here from Memphis, I was really at a loss for words or thoughts. I had thought I would stay in Memphis forever. I didn't think that Jackson had all that much to offer. I thought I already pretty much knew everyone there was to know around here.

I was wrong.

It was a lot like when I decided to switch colleges after my freshman year because I realized that it was actually better to be where I knew some people. And once I got to that second college, where I originally thought I already knew everyone, I was pleasantly surprised to meet people from all over that I never would have known otherwise.

Anyway... tonight I attended a meeting of a group of young professionals that really care about this city that I have always sort of taken for granted. We heard William Winter speak, y'all. I think he is my new hero. He is so wise and so kind, and has always been ahead of his time, I think.

This group is planning some really great things, and I am so glad to be a part of it. It was good to get the BF out of the house, too, and he made some promising contacts for his private practice adventure. I am calling that an "adventure," because so far that is what it has been! He's getting some cases, slowly but surely, and that is a good thing. Making money is good!

I'm not going to use this blog to talk about my job -- but the thing is, I really love my job so far. I am happy that it is something I can really jump into and get excited about doing. I don't dread getting up for work every day like I used to. Don't get me wrong -- getting up early is a bitch -- but it's okay, I have to remind myself, we like this job.

As for other jobs, I am working on an article for the new BOOM Jackson publication, and so far I'm not pulling my hair out, so that is good. It helps that BF and I have been trying our best to get out and do something every weekend, too -- especially outside stuff. There really are a jillion things to do around our fair city. So far we have:

*Walked the nature trail and roamed the Natural Science Museum
*Gotten a big batch of crawfish and eaten them at a park in Belhaven
*Gone to a show at Cafe Seven
*Visited the Zoo and heard some great jazz music
*Gone to the art museum

And this weekend I think it's the Belhaven Market. This is my favorite time of year in Jackson!

1 comment:

Katie McClendon said...

So glad you were able to come to the meeting. Finding gems like Jackson Progressives (and concerts about gem sweaters) does help remind one how great a city we have.